Evanston Baseball and Softball Association (EBSA) is dedicated to making ball available to all. Evanston Buddy Ball provides individuals with a delay, physical/cognitive disability or who need extra support the opportunity to play baseball, regardless of their abilities. Buddy BasebAll lets special needs players experience the joy of the game while learning teamwork, promoting self-esteem, and having fun.

Players hit off a batting tee and softer balls are used. Players are paired with volunteer buddies during games. 

Buddies help their players as needed, whether it be pointing to where a ball should be thrown, helping bat, rounding the bases together or just sharing in the fun. Volunteers are usually EBSA players and ETHS students. Last year buddy volunteers represented many ETHS sports including baseball, softball, football, soccer, powerlifting, and Pom Kits. 

EBSA is aware of the extra expenses for those with special abilities. There is no cost or fee to participate. Hats and jerseys are provided, and mitts and bats are available. 

Buddy Ball plays on Sunday afternoons. Games are 1 hour. There is a 5-game spring and 6 game fall season - weather permitting. 

No player should miss the chance to experience the love of the game for lack of opportunity, support, or financial resources. With that mission, Evanston BuddybAll was created.  EBSA is proud of our Buddy Ball team and volunteers. The enthusiasm and spirit are fantastic.

Thanks to Our BuddybALL Sponsor: