EBSA Parent Guidelines

A youth ball game is a partnership between the Coaches and Umpires to teach kids the game of baseball or softball.  As parents or guardians, your role is to support this partnership.   The Evanston Baseball and Softball Association (“EBSA”) has implemented the following Parent Code of Conduct. Parents will be asked to agree to the following Code of Conduct prior to participating in our league. 


  • We will let the coaches coach, let the umpires ump and let the players play. 
  • We will be positive role models for the players and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy for all players, coaches, officials and spectators. 
  • We will not make abusive or derogatory comments to or about any player, umpire, coach and/or other spectators. 
  • We will not criticize or question umpires’ calls.  
  • We will let the umpires be the umpires. 
  • We will respect the coaches and team by having our child arrive on time for practices and games and will notify the coach if our child will arrive late or is not able to attend. 
  • We will refrain from coaching our child or other players during games, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team. We will not approach players or coaches before, during or immediately after games with anything other than support.  
  • If we have concerns to bring to the coach’s attention, we will apply the “24 Hour Rule” before having a respectful, private conversation. 
  • We will try to attend as many games as possible and cheer both teams. 
  • We will remain in the spectator area during games and we will control our emotions. 
  • We will help when asked by coaches or umpires. 
  • We will not use alcohol, tobacco or marijuana products or illegal drugs at practices or games 
  • We agree to file, in writing to the EBSA Board of Directors, complaints regarding violation of rules, questionable conduct such as abusive behavior by a player, coach or fan, and improper conduct at any game or practice.

Consequences for violation of the Code of Conduct will be determined by EBSA at its sole discretion but may include removal from a practice or game, suspension or removal from the league.